Update Contact Info

Quill pen, ink and rolled Parchment

It’s been a LOT of years since the reunion committee last contacted, or in many cases, attempted to contact, the members of our class. Fortunately, there is now something called the Internet and there is a way to contact people called E-Mail! Wow. 🥳 Reunions will be so much easier to plan for those graduating in 2024.

Also, there are now things called “online forms”. You don’t even need a stamp. So cool. 😉 Below you will find one of those online forms.

Thanks. We hope to contact you soon with reunion details.

Mailing Address
Permission to share your contact info
By default, this information will only be used by the reunion committee for our records and to contact you about reunions. If you would like any of your information to be shared on the Private, Class Directory page, please check which information you would like listed.
If you are providing this information for another classmate, please enter your name.
Please provide your email in case we need to get in touch with you. Thanks.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.