Tuesday Trivia Questions

Tuesday trivia

Miss a Tuesday? Not to worry, we’ve got you covered. Each week we’ll add the trivia question on this page. Posted are the Tuesday Trivia questions so far. Click on the title to view.

Weekly Winners!
Submit your answers by midnight the Monday evening before the newest Tuesday Trivia question is posted and be eligible to win the Trivia prize of the week. *

Grand Prize Winner!
The person who has submitted the correct answers to most of the questions will receive a Grand Trivia Prize.

For your answers to be counted for the overall trivia contest, the deadline for final submissions is Wednesday, August 21 at 12 noon, Franklin time.

Weekly Winners

Week 4 : Patti Allen Clark

Week 3 : Deb Ryan, CheChe Lewis

Week 2: Doug Lott

Week 1 : Doug Lott, John Antal, Maureen Babcock