Survey and Polls

graphs and charts on computer screen

Leading up to Reunion Weekend we’ll be running some fun surveys and polls. We hope you will be able to take a few minutes and fill them out. We’ll be sharing the results with you at one of the reunion events (TBD) and after the reunion, on the website. Thank you.

Here are the surveys and polls we’ve run so far:

  • Survey Saturday #4

    Looking back, is there that one time that you wish you had made a different choice?

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  • Survey Saturday #3

    What song brings you back to our high school years?

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  • Survey Saturday #2

    A lot of things have changed since we were in school. Let us know what changed that has disappointed you. What do you feel is better?

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  • Survey Saturday #1

    Welcome to Survey Saturday! Each Saturday we’ll be posting a survey to catch up with our classmates. Fifty years is a long time to catch up with you, but we are hoping that these questions can give a quick snapshot of our class, where we were, where we are today. Participation is totally voluntary and […]

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  • What My Classmates May Not Know About Me

    Fifty years is a lot of time to have “done that, been there.” Tell us something about yourself that our classmates may not know about you.

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