Attendees from an earlier all-class reunion

All-Classes Reunion

If you attended Franklin High School, from the first class in 1927 to the final graduating class in 1982, you are invited to the annual (somewhat) All-Classes Reunion.

It’s a special one this year because our class is one of the featured classes! Fifty years since we clomped around the football field to receive our diplomas, listening to Mr. Purdy mispronouncing our names (remember Alver Davis anyone?) .. a long time.

If you were not one of the clomping members of our class that evening, either by the “suggestion” of the administration or if you left Franklin before that June day, not to worry! You are still invited and we would love seeing you again!

The Details:

Date: Saturday, August 24
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: Firemen’s Park and Pavilion, 46 High St., Franklin
Food: Chicken BBQ
Entertainment: DJ Music
Cost: $45 per person


Send a stamped, self-addressed envelope with a check made out to Franklin Historical Society in the amount of $45 per person attending, and mail to:

Franklin Historical Society
C/O Harry F. Howell, Treasurer
84 Gingerbread Castle Road
Hamburg, NJ 07419

Please print clearly and include with your request the following:

Your Class Year
Telephone Number
E-Mail Address

Tickets can be sent via email; please indicate if you prefer that method.

* The old address was Franklin Historical Society P. O. Box 332, Franklin, NJ 07416. The mailbox will still be checked, but not daily.

More Reunion Events

The class of ’74 has additional events scheduled for Reunion Weekend. Please see the Reunion Events and RSVP page. These events are not exclusive to our class. Our friends from other years are invited to join us.